Company Background:
Metacompliance is a cyber security and compliance organisation based in Derry ~ Londonderry that creates state-of-the-art eLearning, GDPR, policy management, incident management and phasing solutions.
The company had huge growth plans and needed to focus on how to support their senior team in order to drive their new teams forward.
In order to overcome this obstacle, Metacompliance made contact with North West Regional College (NWRC) Business Support Centre (BSC) who supported them through the Skills Focus programme which is funded by the Department for the Economy.
By taking part in the Skills Focus programme, Metacompliance, was able to up-skill six senior members of staff who were awarded an ILM Level 3 in Leadership & Management and a CIPD Level 5 qualification in Human Resources, Learning and Development. This helped the company develop the management capability and performance within their organisation.
Metacompliance HR Manager, Christine Doherty, described the benefits of working with NWRC BSC via the Skills Focus programme:
“The NWRC partnership has enabled us to develop our team by concentrating on leadership, management, people development and human resources. Due to the excellent lecturing team we have seen significant growth of skills, style and capabilities within our team.”