WHSCT Celebration of Learners Event at NWRC

By Aoife Curran

Over 200 students have been recognised at a special celebration event acknowledging the achievements of Western Health & Social Care Trust (WHSCT) staff who undertook upskilling courses with North West Regional College, Northern Regional College, and South Eastern Regional College.

The ceremony, hosted by the BBC’s Eve Blair, which was held at NWRC’s Foyle Theatre, marked the conclusion of study on several courses specifically designed for individuals working within the WHSCT such as Leadership & Management, Professional Coaching Practice, Project Management, Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences & Building Resilience, Working with Parents, Infant/Child Mental Health, Health & Social Care, Understanding Substance Misuse, Using Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Anxiety in Children & Young People and Preventing & Tackling Domestic Abuse.

The students were presented with their certificates by Suzanne Mahon (Assistant Director for Safeguarding Children & Corporate Parenting in the WHSCT) and Stephen McLaughlin (Assistant Director for Social Work in the WHSCT) who paid tribute to the efforts of the students: ‘’Congratulations to all our staff for taking part in these upskilling courses that were delivered by the Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland. Individuals should be commended for their commitment and dedication to their studies while balancing work and family commitments.’’

NWRC Business Skills Manager Sinead Hawkins added: ‘’This event has highlighted the importance of the collaborative work with Further Education Colleges and Trusts. It has been a pleasure to be able to celebrate the success of individual learners. It has also showcased the impact of this training on individuals and the overall services they provide.”

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A group of people standing together.
(L - R) Northern Regional College Business Engagement Officer Gabrielle Quinn pictured with BBC Radio Ulster Presenter & MC Eve Blair, South Eastern Regional College Senior Skills & Innovation Manager Emma Finney, Deputy Mayor at Derry City & Strabane District Council Cllr Jason Barr, South Eastern Regional College Jeb Berkeley Business Skills Manager, Assistant Director for Safeguarding Children & Corporate Parenting in the WHSCT Suzanne Mahon, Director of Curriculum and Academic Standards North West Regional College Dr Catherine O'Mullan, Assistant Director for Social Work in the WHSCT Stephen McLaughlin, Professional Officer at Office of Social Services, Department of Health, Mairead McGilloway, NWRC Business Skills Manager Sinead Hawkins and Business Engagement Manager at Northern Regional College Anna Egner at the WHSCT Celebration of Learners Event at NWRC's Foyle Theatre.