Company Background
Coastal Core Training is Northern Ireland’s leading provider of Lifeguard, Life-saving and First Aid Training, offering an unrivalled portfolio of accredited courses to suit the needs of any individual, business, sports club or profession. Coastal Core Training has recently been approached by local schools to provide health safety and first aid training to both primary and secondary schools here in NI and wish to develop a new training product to target this opportunity.
The technical challenge was creating a professional first aid experience to deliver an interactive visual training programme like no other, through creating animated visual solutions. However, Coastal Core lacked the necessary skills to develop such a product.
In order to overcome this obstacle Coastal Core Training was signposted to the North West Regional College (NWRC) who supported them through the Innovate US programme, funded by Department for the Economy (DfE), which equated to 30 hours of mentoring support from Aaron McKeever, NWRC Creative and Digital Media Consultant to develop and deliver this innovative solution. Two members of Coastal Core, Robert and Clare Wheeldon undertook specific upskilling focused on key framing animation techniques, unique character and graphic creation for interactivity.
On completion of these projects, Coastal Core Training was in a position to create and develop bespoke animations that has enabled them to roll out a unique child friendly first aid courses. The introduction of this novel training programme has secured 70% increase in sales and a reduction of costs by 80%.
To date the course alongside the accompanying first aid product has proved a massive hit with their customer base, through the interactive animated programme, which provides accredited training but also address learning barriers in the educational environment. The company are keen to continue to innovate and are exploring future development options, such as children’s training mannequins.