North West Regional College, 78-80 Strand Rd, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 7AL


You can download a copy of our Innovation Programme’s and Funding that are available for your business and staff below. Please contact us if you cannot find any that are applicable to your business. You can email or phone to arrange a free consultation on the types of funding we can offer your business for Innovation or Skill training.

NWRC Types of Industry Funding NWRC - Types of Industry Funding (411 downloads)

5K Innovation Voucher 5k Innovation Voucher (306 downloads)

Skills Focus  Skills Focus (441 downloads)

Funded Programmes  Funded programmes (389 downloads)

Hospitality and Catering  Hospitality and Catering (340 downloads)

Food Development  Food Development (422 downloads)

Engineering and Product Design  Engineering and Product Design (392 downloads)

Leadership and Management  Leadership and Management (452 downloads)

ICT and Creative Digital Media  ICT and Creative Digital Media (401 downloads)

Hetas  Hetas (358 downloads)